
4 articles
This is so adorable and funny! In Aberdeen, Scotland, a seagull has been spotted shoplifting snacks from a neighbourhood store. Everyday he would walk into the store and make off with his favourite packet of Chili Heatwave flavoured Doritos in his beak! You have to watch this video to believe...
Guys! Guys! These are freakin’ hilarious! You would love it! In a recent post, I described how a local blogger played a prank on a timeshare scam company. That was really funny! Then I came across these telephone conversations by American comedian tom mabe, who makes a living out of...
We all know how timeshare scam companies in Singapore work. Last October, local blogger gecko wrote about his encounter with one such timeshare company, grand seasons international (GSI). His post was quickly highlighted in (a highly popular local metablog) to warn people about this scam. Seven months later,
I don’t readily post jokes or stuff I read on the internet on my blog. But this funny story is so corny and hilarious I can’t help giggling like a silly 12 year old when I read it. It has been floating around the internet for a long time. Disclaimer:...