This April and May, chocolate lovers can melt with delight at Emicakes. The bakery chain has whipped up a number of chocolate cakes, including its cake of the month and a certain chocolaty best seller for Mother’s Day.
S$30.60 for 15cm (0.6kg) / S$53.20 for 20cm (1.2kg)

Cake of the month for April is the new Rocky Road Adventure. Dressed in soft chocolate frosting, the filling comprises three layers of moist chocolate chiffon intersected with two layers of rich chocolate mousse. Scattered within the cake are crunchy roasted peanuts and fluffy marshmallows that provide a slew of delicious textures. I love that this cake is not cloyingly sweet and enjoy it with a cup of coffee.
You can get 15% off for delivery and collection from 1-18 April and 13-31 May 2013 for 15-20cm cake sizes.
S$43.80 for 15cm (0.6kg) / S$70.50 for 20cm (1.2kg)

For Mother’s Day, the bakery’s most popular cakes have been spruced up with a new look for the special occasion. That includes its best selling Pure Addiction chocolate cake.
The incomparably rich inside out chocolate ganache covered cake is garnished with chocolate shavings on the sides, encompassing a chocolate chiffon filling. Mothers who love chocolate will definitely be delighted with this creation.
Check out more Mother’s Day cakes and win one for yourself in the Sparklette giveaway!
Where can you enjoy the best chocolate cake in Singapore? Share all your thoughts via Facebook or Twitter or by leaving a comment!