As a food blogger who enjoys feasting on meats but shies away from vegetables and fruits, my diet is sorely lacking in many major nutrients and fibre. So when I had the opportunity to try out two months’ supply of the PGX Daily Ultra Matrix Softgels, I took it immediately (after doing my own research to verify that the product is safe, of course).
I started taking these supplements two months ago. They are basically soft gel capsules that are highly concentrated in soluble fibre. Pretty darn useful for people that don’t consume much fibre in their diet like me!
Other than that, many people take the Softgels to achieve gradual weight loss too. The product benefits include:
- Moderate high cholesterol levels
- Better manage blood glucose levels
- Lower insulin resistance
- Reduce risk of developing diabetes and/or cardiovascular disease
- Cut food cravings (hence reducing intake of calories)
- Achieve healthy weight loss
The improvements may be subtle, but they are noticeable. Having taken the pills regularly for two months, my formerly inefficient digestive system has become much healthier… Well, you know what I mean! One subtle change is that I feel less lethargic and drowsy, especially after a full meal.
Being already slightly underweight, I can’t personally testify if the product aids in weight loss/management. But in any case, I find myself having increased energy levels and an improved digestive system, so I’m happy!
If you’re interested in the product, please check out the official FAQ to see if it is suitable for you. Remember: Your health comes first!
Update: It seems the local supermarkets and pharmacies no longer stock the product. I now purchase PGX Daily online from iHerb, which is great because the price is lower than what the pharmacies used to sell it at!
Nov 4, 2012
hi ive been trying to find these suppliments everywhere in singapore.
where did you get yours from?
much appreciate the help
May 15, 2013
I have also wanted to get these. Are they available in Singapore? Where can I get some?