Baby Rocks Out to the Fisher-Price Portable Rocker!
As first-time parents, we sometimes get incredibly overwhelmed by the sheer volume of baby products available for purchase, along with the many choices that each item presents.
One product that has turned out to be a real lifesaver is the baby rocker.
Shortly after baby Ethan was born, the good people at Fisher-Price sent us the Newborn-to-Toddler Portable Rocker from their new Rainforest Friends range. Ever since then, this is the one item that Ethan spends the most time with everyday!
Recommended retail price: S$179.90
Ages: From birth to toddler (up to 18 kg)

What we like most about this rocker is that it easily converts to three recline positions for newborns, infants, and toddlers. It can be used from birth, doubling as a rocking bassinet for napping (Ethan just would NOT sleep in his crib), as well as a stationary seat (with harness belt) for when the baby is awake. When he gets older, he can use the “toddler” position as a chair, thus saving us the need to purchase another clunky piece of furniture!
The removable toy bar with hanging overhead toys encourages babies to bat at them and develop grasping abilities and fine motor skills.
The design looks good, with a pleasant shade of green (rather than an obnoxious green), vibrant animal art, plus some elements of nature and patterns. It’s light enough to easily move from room to room, which I love because I can put Ethan safely in it when I work at my computer, and we can both see each other. We do have to rock him manually, which is the only reason why I give it a 4½ rating. If this thing rocks itself, that would be fantastic, a true timesaver.
The rocker also sports a vibration feature (requires 1 D battery) that babies find soothing (hubby calls this the bus ride effect), accessible via a toggle switch on the front. To be honest we hardly have to use this feature as Ethan loves to be rocked to sleep more than anything else.
Look how comfortable Ethan is in his rocker! He practically sleeps in it for hours daily, though we add on a headrest to keep his head steady. Apart from looking good and being functional, the rocker feels very sturdy too. Other features include a secure three-point restraint, adjustable seat back and a fold-out kickstand.
This is one of those items that you may not think you would need. But once you have it, you simply can’t do without it. A necessity for work-at-home moms and dads as well as housewives and househusbands.
What is the single toy or furniture that you must have for your baby? Share all your thoughts via Facebook or Twitter or by leaving a comment!