Snowy – The Things I Love
Hi everyone, I’m back! Dear Mommy asked me to resume my blogging duties soon. She said a lot of you have been asking about me since my first blog post 2 months ago. Is that true? It makes me so happy! Meow!
“but what should I blog about?” I asked Mommy. “kitty, why don’t you blog about all the things you love?” okay, I shall listen to Mommy and do just that!
That’s me on the table. I love running and climbing! It makes my legs strong! I especially love performing for humans. Each time someone is watching me, I do my best to put on a good show! My favourite trick is doing a vertical dash along the back of the leather sofa without falling off!
Ever since my hind legs grew strong enough, I have enjoyed jumping on to the table to read the newspapers. At least, when Mommy is reading, I would accompany her by sitting on the newspaper. So many tiny words!
Let me introduce you to my pet mousey. His name is ben. He’s one of my most favourite things.
I would carry him around in my mouth. He’s such a great companion!
Mommy bought me this tent which even has a blankie inside! She said all little boys need camping experience. I think she’s quite surprised by how fast I grow, because I soon grew too big for the tent! I love its engine red colour though.
Another favourite activity of mine is burrowing into small spaces. That’s me underneath Hello Kitty. I love Hello Kitty. The girl’s fine.
I remember when Mommy saw me crawling between her pillows and sheets. She was so amused she laughed out loud! I wonder why she found it so funny. I almost got lost in there!
In my free time (which is when I’m not sleeping), I would look out for new crawlspaces to get into.
These colourful flowers are so big! They are soft too, just like me.
That’s fuzz, my colourful ball of yarn. Sadly, I have torn it into shreds. Mommy said she would make me another fuzzy ball. She just doesn’t know how yet.
So I shall just play with my feathered toy for now. Catching and biting onto those feathers sure is satisfying! It comes with a bell too.
Look what I can do!
All right, Mommy just said that I’ve worked my paws hard enough and I deserve some treats now. Hip hip hooray! I’m off for my kitty treats! Meow soon!

Jun 29, 2009
he’s lovely :)
Jun 29, 2009
Sigh, the joys of having a cat in the house. I would so love one too haha.
Jun 29, 2009
I would recommend that! Snowy’s presence has certainly added a lot of happiness to our lives :)
Jun 29, 2009
Hey Snowy, you are getting bigger…and older! You need to find a galfren soon. Perharps a British galfren will be really cool!
Jun 30, 2009
Hi ShoNeN! What an interesting nickname! Is it Japanese? I would love a Japanese gal friend like Hello Kitty, but the British are really cool, too. We kitties know them as the British Shorthairs :)
Jun 30, 2009
What markings will Snowy have? I’m waiting for my breeder to let us know which kitty I could bring home at of the year.. =)
Jun 30, 2009
Hi Ann! I have a little Batman mask around my eyes that is a darker shade compared to the rest of my body. Oh my tail is gray! Mommy says I’m a bi-color, but I don’t really know what that means. Do you?
Jul 1, 2009
LOL Meaning you will have another colour other than white sweetie. You look like a seal bi-coloured mitted ragdoll to me. Once all your markings comes out, you will be a big boy (that will only happened when you turn 2 in human yrs!)
Jul 2, 2009
Ooh okay. I guess I have no choice but to let those markings come out. Can I let you in on a secret? (I kinda like the way I am now!)
Are you getting a ragdoll too? Maybe we can play!
Jul 2, 2009
Arww.. Yes but my furbaby will only be in Singapore year end.. =) He’s coming from Australia!
Jun 30, 2009
Hey Snowy, you are so cute and for a moment I was even thinking that it couldnt be real….:) it looks really so gorgeous and you are really lovely. Awesome! I hope that you will be growing well and happy everyday!!
Jul 2, 2009
Meow! Thanks for the love! I am growing bigger and stronger everyday. Just the other day I jumped right up to the kitchen counter. Mommy was so amazed!
Jul 5, 2009
Hi! May I know where you got Snowy from? I’m very keen on getitng one but I just don’t know where from!
Jul 7, 2009
hey snowy! ur a seal bi colour…when u grow up, ur eyes will be covered by ur lovely markings….im sure ur following mommy everywhere she goes rite! ur such a cutie…i wonder do u want to befriend wif max? max is a white male persian…he wud love to have a wrestling buddy hehehhheheh!
Jul 12, 2009
Hey snowy your sooo adorable
Aug 2, 2009
oh my god!! You have the sweetest kitty ever!!
I have always wanted to get a ragdoll! May i ask where you got your kitten? Oh and how much did you get him for?
Aug 28, 2009
aww cute ! snowy!