By now, many of you would have heard of, seen or even licked the new Magnum Gold ice cream. But in case you haven’t, the Gold edition is the latest flavour in the Wall’s premium Magnum ice cream range, newly launched today.
Notice the “?!” Now that sure brings emphasis to the fact that it’s gold, both figuratively and literally. Everyone wants a piece of gold right?
Clearly, Snowy our family cat wants one!
Look, even the packaging is golden (on the inside)!
S$3.90 a stick / S$10.90 for a box of 3

This latest indulgence features the churned centre of smooth Madagascan vanilla ice cream with undertones of sea‐salt caramel. As far as I can tell, it is definitely less sweet than its counterparts in the Magnum series, which is great!
The brilliant gold coating is a thick layer of the ever popular milk chocolate dipped in edible gold. By the end of my ice cream escapade, I had gold-dusted fingers! I can’t tell if the gold actually tastes of anything, but hey, it’s pretty!
So far, the Magnum Gold has been launched in 29 countries, and Singapore is the only Asian country that it is available. In the beastly hot climate here, we all have a good excuse to enjoy this luxurious ice cream, don’t we?

How do you find the new Magnum Gold? What is your most favourite flavour in the Magnum ice cream range? Is it the long-time favourite Classic, or the silky white chocolate? Share with us in the comments!
Disclaimer: No cats were harmed in the writing of this delicious review.
May 7, 2010
Sparklette Digest! Magnum Gold Ice Cream – Gold on a Stick?!
May 8, 2010
@Sparklette Your Magnum Gold photos look great! I’ve linked to them in my latest post! Hehe I ate mine before I could take shots
May 8, 2010
@Camemberu Thanks! Checking it out… Looks like you totally enjoyed the Magnum Gold ice cream and Iron Man 2. Ip Man 2’s good, too!
May 8, 2010
@sparklette Try Googling “MoviePoint.” I got to watch IP Man 2 for free there in HD.
May 8, 2010
@Sparklette oh I love Donnie Yen but not sure who else will go and watch Ip Man 2 with me. Iron Man 2 rocks! I’d see it again
May 7, 2010
@zmindy @yongfook Thanks, even our cat loves the new @MagnumGold @MyMagnum
May 7, 2010
@sparklette @zmindy @yongfook So did my 3 cats — Bliss, Coco and Chanel
May 7, 2010
@sinkid Wow! Those are beautiful names for kitties!
Jun 15, 2010
@Sparklette Bliss is a male 2.5yr old Ragdoll, Coco & Chanel are sisters – local street cats.
May 7, 2010
RT @Sparklette: @zmindy @yongfook Thanks, even our cat loves the new @MagnumGold @MyMagnum
May 10, 2010
RT @Sparklette: @zmindy @yongfook Thanks, even our cat loves the new @MagnumGold @MyMagnum
May 7, 2010
Where is it sold? I saw cold storage advertising it for $11.40 and not the price you stated so just wondering..
May 7, 2010
That’s odd. The official prices I got are SGD3.90 each and SGD10.90 for a box of 3, as stated above. These are also indicated on their website. How much is Cold Storage selling one for?
May 7, 2010
Cold Storage probably sells at higher prices. Try other supermarkets like NTUC Fairprice to get these prices. Good luck!
May 7, 2010
snowy is so adorable!!!
May 12, 2010
He certainly is our adorable baby boy!
May 7, 2010
Wow, I didn’t know that it’s only launched in 29 countries! I’m so going to try it one of these days; the weather is wayyy too hot!
I like the second last picture! :)
May 12, 2010
Snowy likes it, too!
May 9, 2010
Last time Magnum had this yogurt flavour.. I love that! But apparently it’s not sold anymore.. :(
May 12, 2010
Wow, I did not know that. I bet it’s yummy! Probably a seasonal flavour or something.
May 10, 2010
Sadly, I have yet to sample this flavour. Perhaps this evening. Can’t wait.
May 12, 2010
I was so attracted to it after watching TV ads of Magnum Gold (A very creative presentation of the TV ads). Seriously I just can’t wait try it.
May 12, 2010
You must be referring to the gold heist commercial! It reminds me of Ocean’s 11 and Mr. & Mrs. Smith (the lady even looks like Angelina Jolie).
May 15, 2010
Oh? i didn’t know they have the gold series! I have a very sweet tooth, so i only go for the magnum white cos its the sweetest lol. And your cat is sooooo adorable! How old is he now?
May 19, 2010
Thanks! He only turned 1 in January, but he’s a big boy now, as male Ragdoll kitties tend to be. I’ll tell him you said hi ;)
May 21, 2010
i LOOOOOOOOVE Magnum gold. its so yummy! love your cat, so cute, love your site as well, I’m so gonna bookmark this website
May 27, 2010
You just can’t wait for one more day…
Jul 16, 2010
Hi! I tried Magnum Gold Bar when Cathay was packaging it with popcorn combo (think it was a few weeks ago?). As i tried it in the dark cinema, lolx i didn’t really notice how it looked. I like the not so sweetness and that it didn’t really drip that much.
I also thought that the lady in gold heist commercial was Angelina Jolie until i saw all the Magnum Gold bars!
Your Snowy looked soo kawaii!
Jul 16, 2010
Wow! That’s a delicious combo. Eating ice cream in the dark can be a challenge though. If it was me, it would have been one sweet, drippy mess :P I wonder how much they sell that combo for?
Based on what I have read on other websites, you aren’t the first person to mistake the actress in the commercial for Angelina Jolie. The resemblance is uncanny!
Jul 18, 2010
Every time we eat an ice cream, @SnowyKitty wants a share, like: ><
Jul 18, 2010
RT @Sparklette: Every time we eat an ice cream, @SnowyKitty wants a share, like: ><
Jul 18, 2010
I LOVE MAGNUM GOLD! It’s my fav Magnum flavour. It makes me really high whenever I eat it!
Jul 18, 2010
I love your enthusiasm!! ^^
Jul 18, 2010
Thanks! Really awesome food and travel website you have. I feel your passion! Keep up the great job Veron!
Aug 10, 2010
I’ve tried it. the caramel was just nice and the flavour sticks on your tongue before the cold vanilla ice-cream tickling your taste bud.
but on top of tt i still prefer dark chocolate.
Aug 14, 2010
nah i didn’t really like it…. Magnum Gold definitely has the Wow factor (cuz… it’s GOLD!), but it’s a bit too sweet for my liking. Feels good when you first start eating, but after a while it feels just you’re eating cream.
Feb 17, 2011
Magnum gold caramel flavour is my favourite….Everytime i walk into a super market i drool like it is my fix for the day.I don`t have the funds for it sometimes,but i always make a plan to have a magnum for dinner…Magnum Gold is my downfall.
Feb 17, 2011
That’s a lot of love you have for Magnum ice cream!
Jun 5, 2011
I love all your icecream, but just want to know why it is that when I enter the competitions I never seen the results printed anywhere. It makes one wonder if it is all just a farce to make you buy more icecream
Jun 8, 2011
I tried mini magnum, the liquor ones yesterday. I absolutely LOVE it!!!! They come in a box of 6, with 3 containing irish cream, and the others with Limoncello. (I don’t know what kind of liquor the latter is, didn’t get a chance to eat it because my cousins ate them first :D).
But the irish cream one is so NYUMMY! You can taste the sweetness of irish cream but the alcohol taste is not overpowering and goes really well with the chocolate. And since it comes in mini-sized version, it’s good to have them for once in a while and doesn’t make me feel as guilty as the regular sized does.
Have you by any chance tried these delicious mini magnums?
Aug 19, 2011
nothing special, really. If walls wanted to create a wow feeling for their new ice cream, i can say they failed miserably on this, however its a nice try. In terms of look, the ice cream itself looked like its been tainted with yellowish paint. I cant differentiate between a pile of cow dung and magnum gold. They have the same colour, except one is warm and the other is cold. Considering all the marketing expenses and the packaging and facilities they bought to create this ‘unique’ product, they have alot to recover back. If they want to differentiate themselves from other products, they might have succeeded. But product positioning wise, they are stuck in the middle between prestigious brands like haagen daaz and some unknown brand ice cream. Moreover, I would like to know what market were they hoping to capture with the launch of this product.