McDonald’s Singapore has revived the crowd favourite Samurai beef burger. Dipped in teriyaki sauce, the Samurai burger has remained my all-time favourite McDonald’s burger ever since tasting it years ago! (Until I get to try the McLobster, that is.)
The Samurai beef burger is available in two options: regular with a single beef patty and the Double, which has two beef patties for those who want twice the oomph.
S$5.45 / S$7.40 for double
S$7.30 for Extra Value Meal / S$9.30 for double Extra Value Meal

When we visited the McDonald’s fast food restaurant at Harbourfront Centre on Friday evening, the lines were incredibly long, with most of the customers ordering the Samurai beef burger. By 10pm, the outlet had run out of the burger!
The Samurai beef burger still comes in the same sweet soy sauce and a touch of mayonnaise, though it doesn’t taste quite as good as I remember it. Perhaps the drizzling of sauce isn’t generous enough, resulting in a less than flavourful patty.

The accompanying cheese shaker fries are a delight to savour. Plus, you get to enjoy the fun element of tossing the fries in the brown paper bag, ensuring each one is amply coated with cheese powder.
Taste-wise, the cheese shaker fries reminds me of the snack Cheetos. Delicious!
Are you a fan of the Samurai beef burger? What is your favourite burger from McDonald’s? Share all your thoughts via Facebook or Twitter or by leaving a comment!
Oct 8, 2012
Your blog is very nice looking!
Oct 8, 2012
Thanks! It’s a product of Sparklette Studio.