Frosty the Snowman has come to town and he’s looking mighty delicious!
Of course, we’re talking about a Christmas cake creation from PrimaDéli Singapore. Frosty Snowman weighs in at one kilogramme. He wears a chocolate hat, a red icing scarf, and colourful buttons that taste of white chocolate.
Frosty the Snowman cake with Snowy the Ragdoll cat
Frosty is presented on a bed of white frosting sprinkled with colourful stars. He is so undeniably cute, it took us a long time before we finally mustered the will to sink a knife in him (I know!).

Underneath the fluffy white icing, Frosty is a blackforest cake at heart. He is filled with sweet dark cherries, and layers of airy chocolate sponge and chocolate cream. Overall, the cake is delicious, neither too sweet nor heavy on the palate. A real treat for the family at Christmas!
Last day of order is December 21, 2011.

Where would you be dining this festive season? Share with us in the comments!
Dec 21, 2011
I saw Snowy!!
Dec 21, 2011
lol they are both snowy!
Dec 21, 2011
PrimaDéli – Frosty Snowman Christmas cake #Food
Dec 21, 2011
Yes, one for Bites, one for Hugs…
Aug 4, 2012
Primadeli makes the best tasting cakes….. I love them.
Nov 27, 2013
Oh my goodness! How adorable!