
14 articles
i have been neglecting my cats quite a lot. When I say “my cats”, I’m referring to the few permanent residents living at my void deck. We store cat food in our mailbox so we would feed them whenever they give us pitiful looks. on my way home today I...
everyone knows that right? Here’s something to further add on to that. seriously, what kind of a sick bastard would do something like that? People kill one another all the time, out of rage, jealousy, for money, love, or what have you. But to dismember an innocent young kitten? It...
…this is how he would look! Look at him and tell me if he doesn’t resemble garfield! ROARRRRRR! warning: sad kitty faces ahead! *looks left* *looks right* awww… Why does kitty look so sad? I wanna snuggle him so bad! I mean, look AT him! too much cuteness!
Lookie, lookie… A new layout! I got tired of the previous black design and came up with a pink one! This is version 4, “innocence“, strictly not for cat haters! To date, this is the layout that I’d spent the shortest time on. So it may not look as detailed...