Despite our close proximity with Indonesia, one would be hard-pressed to find an authentic Indonesian eatery in Singapore. My favourite Indonesian or Javanese place to dine is limited to The Rice Table Indonesian Restaurant. Then there’s also Riverside Indonesian BBQ at the Plaza Singapura food court which is awesome, though not exactly authentic.
Over at Lucky Plaza, there are three small Indonesian-run eateries – Ayam Penyet Ria, Resto Surabaya and Ayam Bakar Ojolali – all with Malay or javanese names to boot. Due to the confined space, each of these places seats only two dozen people at max. I visited one of them recently, Ayam Bakar Ojolali.


Their signature dish is the Ayam Bakar Ojolali (also the name of the place). Ayam bakar, which is in Malay, translates to grilled chicken in English, while the Javanese word “ojolali” means “don’t forget”. Together, it’s supposed to mean “unforgettable grilled chicken”. Unfortunately it was pretty forgettable, really.
The chilli sauce that came along was fiery hot, and lent much kick to the dish. While I really liked the sweet and tasty black sauce that was drizzled over the dish, I found the chicken to be stiff, overcooked, and way too dry for my liking. It had spent too much time on the grill. I had a pretty hard time eating it. To sum it up, the sauces and condiments were good; the chicken wasn’t, and that’s what really mattered.
Okay, so the signature dish of Ayam Bakar Ojolali failed me. Maybe the drinks would fare better.

I had the es ojolali (iced pink coconut) drink simply because it was in a very appealing pink and I didn’t know what else to order. You are given a spoon to scoop out the generous strips of coconut flesh. It was surprisingly good and refreshing! I found myself greedily slurping it all down.
At the end of the day, it still boils down to the main dish – grilled chicken. If you’re gonna name your eatery after a dish, at least make sure you are good at it!
For now, unless the other two Indonesian eateries at Lucky Plaza fare better, I would continue getting my grilled chicken from the corner stall at the Plaza Singapura food court. I’ve been eating there for the past… Oh my gosh, six years! Yes, it is really that good!
As for Ayam Bakar Ojolali, guys, you may wanna give this one a miss.

Lucky Plaza
304 Orchard Road #03-39/43
Singapore 238863
Tel: +65 6235 3597
Apr 13, 2007
I’ve been to Ayam Penyet Ria quite often and I am not disappointed by the food there.You gotta try that girl! They are situated at both level 1 and 4. :)
Apr 13, 2007
hello! you should try the food at ayam penyet ria.. it probably do more justice to indonesian food :)
Apr 13, 2007
Hello! I’m the waitress working at TCC Peranakan Place! Remember me? LOL Yeah! I tried Ayam Penyet Ria and Resto Surabaya but never been to Ayam Bakar Ojolali… U should try Ayam Penyet Ria! One of the best ever!
Apr 13, 2007
Wow everyone is raving about Ayam Penyet Ria! Now I really MUST go there!
And Munirah dear, of course I remember you! What a pleasant surprise it was that you spoke to me that night! I was thrilled!
Apr 14, 2007
ojolali in javanese means “Don’t forget”. Now you really won’t forget. Ha ha ha.
Apr 16, 2007
hi! nice webblog! found it on google while looking pic to show my friend in indonesia how ‘yummy’ this chippy’s curry-cheesy-chicken-crispy i just tried yesterday at clarkquay’s central..
sadly as an indonesian living in singapore for quite a while, i must say that i haven’t found any authentic indonesian food yet.. but the “ayam penyet” in “resto surabaya” so far the closest to match real javanese gourmet.. i prefer it than the one in “ayam penyet ria”.. maybe it’s a bit subjective, simply because i had the same stiff-overcooked problem you’ve mentioned when first time i tried “ayam penyet ria”..
if you want to seek more ‘close to authentic’ indonesian food here, i suggest you should go to “warung M. Nassir” at Killiney Rd or “nasi padang Sinar Pagi” at boatquay’s Circular Rd..
Will gladly tell you if I’d find more :)
Apr 17, 2007
Cool! More new places to check out. And since you’re an Indonesian, I’m going to really trust your recommendations!
Apr 18, 2007
As indonesian living in s’pore also, I should say ayam penyet ria is pretty good, but there is one more ayam penyet place which is quite far (in changi village) is also worthed to try. The chilli is very shiok.
And for your information, ayam penyet is not very popular in Indonesia itself, it is only recently that the dishes become popular because of the franchises thingy from the Ayam Penyet Ria restaurant :P
Apr 18, 2007
Thanks! Now I can’t wait to visit Ayam Penyet Ria. My stomach is growling!
Jul 1, 2007
i think you should try the one at marine parade central blk 81, opened by indonesian guys ..i heard the food is good but have not try yet.will do it once i have the time
Jul 2, 2007
Ayam Penyet Ria turned out to be a disappointment. Marine Parade is quite far for me to travel to though. But I’ll definitely keep your recommendation in mind. Thanks!
Jul 11, 2007
hi guys, try the new indonesian food , The name is INDO EXPRESS @ Lucky Plaza, basement 1, inside the ASIAN FOOD MALL.
They are selling Nasi Uduk, Sate Ayam Madura, Ayam Tulang Lunak, Gepuk Sapi…
I’ve tried before, and its very nice :>…..
Jul 11, 2007
Excellent! I have no idea what those dishes that you mentioned are, but I would be sure to check out this place anyway. Always on the lookout for authentic Indonesian food. Thanks!
Jul 12, 2007
i am glad to see there are no wine or spirits in the article.hoho
are you stopped drinking?
Jul 24, 2007
or maybe bcoz u dont really take spicy food? coz for me, its not spicy enough.. try the ayam penyet ria (the 4th flr one) and maybe u’ll cry bcoz of the chilli.. lol..kidding.. but its really hot..they shld make it less spicy.. last time there used to be this indonesian eating plc too, at cuppage plaza.. dunnoe if u tried tt b4.. the name is prime cafe.. but i think already closed by now. yeah i agree the indonesian food here is quite hard to find. i agree with irah.. ayam penyet was not popular before, when i was still in indonesia..
i think u noe the Garuda Padang cuisine..but i’d consider its kinda expensive for the food they sell is of OK standard, IMO.. but still.. not bad..
alternatively maybe you’d want to try kantin aneka, at cuppage terrace.. or pondok jawa timur at far east, its not bad.. for bakso or beefball try es teler 77 at cineleisure..
sorry if u already know all these places, but i cant think of anything else.. share with us if u noe other ones plss ;)
sorry i juz happened to read ur posts.. tis is my 2nd reading ur post when i tried to google-search for a restaurant review.. and i’ve always enjoyed reading ur post.. most of all lurvee ur blogskin.. Cheers.
Nov 13, 2007
Hi, i agree with Ng, i tried INDO EXPRESS @ FOOD COURT LUCKY PLAZA basement 1, the Nasi uduk similar with nasi lemak but better and my friend told me its the first in Singapore, and i loooveee the satay..its original taste of satay madura and my hubby love the beefball soup, its very tasty as well,,as for price court price laa
Jul 15, 2008
hey.. u shud oso try de ayam penyet at surabaya, lucky plaza… its hidden in the corner. if im nt wrong.. its at level 3..even my indonesia frends love it!
Aug 22, 2008
ıt my place to stop hang around,place where ı felt really lıke at home release all dazlıng of sıngapore whıch ıs very beautıful cıty but not hospıtable cıty or money mınd cıty.
ı really really get smash coz of the crıspy frıed ala java,and also cat fısh really make me want to fly to sıngapore….where ıs all my colleaqe… hopply they read thıs and they ll say yess ,my beautıful day ın sıngapore
Oct 22, 2008
Actually I found the sate ayam at ayam bakar ojolali the best thus far. Their Ayam Bakar also not too bad, at least to my tongue. But their juice alpukat is not as nice as Es Teler 77 @Far EastPlaza.
I am Indonesian too :)
Nov 8, 2008
I lIkE INdoNESiAN fOOd……….
bEcAuSE vERy dElIcIoUs !!!