Lately, I’ve been paying many visits to Bakerzin. The seafood pasta had me hooked from the very first bite and since then, I couldn’t help craving for it!
I have been encouraged to go for the desserts too, more specifically their best-selling warm chocolate cake. Mind you, this ain’t just any regular ol’ chocolate cake. This is the kind that takes the chef some time to serve because it has to be prepared and warmed up just precisely, with molten chocolate lava oozing out of its warm gooey nucleus.

I absolutely love what Bakerzin has done with it! In fact, I’ve had many different renditions of this decadent dessert at various places in recent months.
There’s White Dog Café’s chocolate lava cake:
tcc’s dark devotion:
All were pretty good, but Bakerzin’s warm chocolate cake takes the top spot!
It is served at just the right temperature (warm chocolate lava complements the cold vanilla ice cream), the perfect quantity (too much chocolate can get too rich, too little too unsatisfying), and with strawberries and syrup (so that the chocolate doesn’t get too cloying after a while).
I think Bakerzin has made the perfect warm chocolate cake. Does anyone have any other recommendation for this sinful dessert? I’m game to try it!
Mar 29, 2007
Hey girl,
Can i just ask, what camera are you using? The quality is awfully good.
Mar 29, 2007
I get this question a lot. I’m using the Minolta DiMAGE X50, which is an old model really. Looking around for a new camera :)
Mar 29, 2007
Try Dan Ryan’s molten chocolate cake and brownie. Very yummy!!! :D
Mar 29, 2007
Awesome! I will check it out! Thanks!
Mar 29, 2007
I’m so glad that you have made the move to try out this wonderful dessert…it wasn’t name best seller for nothing! Even from the photos, Bakerzin’s looks the yummiest! And I was thinking how I should destress over the weekend…believe the warm choc cake will dispel all blues!
Mar 29, 2007
Go for it gal! I’m craving for it right now! Argh!
Mar 29, 2007
you have just inspired me to go get some nice desert this weekend haha
Mar 30, 2007
I think I’m gonna get some (cake) too!
Mar 30, 2007
have you tried the one (called warm chocolate cake or something) at corduroy & finch? I thought that one tasted pretty good too!
Mar 30, 2007
Talking about Curduroy and Finch…nice place with a very manhattan feel about it but somehow the food dosen’t live up to the ambience. Tried the dessert platter and the blackforest tiramisu but both wasn’t that good. Know they opened another branch, just called “Curduroy” @ Vivocity. Very parisan feel about it with its big mirrors and long counter, filled with lots of cakes and pastries! Probably Veron, that can be your next dining spot!
Mar 30, 2007
I was at Corduroy Cafe (VivoCity) a few months back. Nice ambience, but I wasn’t jumping up and down over the food. Didn’t try their warm chocolate cake, although I did have a couple of their truffles.
Mar 30, 2007
you can try the chocolate fondant cakes from Wild Rocket at Mount Emily. Or try the chocolate souffle cake with choco lava inside as well from either The Chocolate Factory or Riciotti. =D
Mar 30, 2007
Try “The Melting Moments” at Esmirada@Chijmes.
Mar 31, 2007
So many recommendations! Thanks guys!
Apr 1, 2007
hey hey, i used to love bakerzinn warm chocolate cake too, until i found a better version. You can try the one at ABOF. It has much more choc inside, if u are a great choc lover, u will love it!
Apr 3, 2007
I had this really good chocolate fondant (the same thing) at “The Cliff” at The sentosa resort and spa. It has great ambience but is kinda pricey. Try it if you are willing to splurge yea? ^^
Apr 8, 2007
Hi.. about corduroy and finch.. u shld really try the warm chocolate pudding. or the chocolate temptation. their entrees are pretty gd too.. like th hungarian goulash and veal.. its at sixth ave btw..
Apr 10, 2007
Thanks for all the suggestions! Wow, there are so many of those that I haven’t heard of!
I have added the following places to my “list”:
ABOF Restaurant and Tea Lounge
Corduroy & Finch (Bukit Timah)
Wild Rocket at Mount Emily
Thanks once again!
Aug 20, 2007
Really Love it…feel when the chocolate in to your mouth…feel the taste…sO melty..and… i can’t explain abOut it…Just try it and trust me!!!
Sep 21, 2007
The Guanaja Chocolat Moelleux @ Au Jardin. Lovely, rich dark choclate! ^_^