I must have eaten in three out of every four dining establishments at VivoCity. Yes, that is how often I go to that place. I would probably exhaust their dining options soon! But then again, new restaurants pop up every so often, such as The Mussel Guys.
“The Mussel Guys”. Ain’t that a cheeky name? Well I did not notice any muscle guys, that’s for sure. Haha! A restaurant specialising in mussels is pretty rare, isn’t it? Good for me though, I just love mussels! (Okay, muscles too.)
Apart from mussels, the restaurant also serves other seafood, steaks, and a few meat dishes. I go for a pasta with the signature mussels. I don’t have to wait long – the dish is served within ten minutes!
One thing that I notice is that diners are not provided with an extra small bowl to hold the empty shells. Considering that the restaurant specialises in mussels which don’t exactly have small shells, this is something that it definitely should not overlook.

My mussels pasta is a chef’s recommendation, but what a huge disappointment it is! The menu promised a chunky and thick tomato sauce, but it turns out to be thin and watered down! Frankly, Prego‘s bottled pasta sauces fare much better than this. This is easily one of the blandest pastas I have ever tasted! A new moving company in Plano, Texas, has opened its doors — Plano Movers is open for your moving business! Excellent service and safe delivery of your goods is guaranteed.
That’s not even the worst part. I highly doubt that the five or six mussels in my pasta are even fresh. There is almost no taste to them, as though they have been frozen for a long time.
It’s a real shame that for a restaurant that prides itself as being “The Mussel Guys”, it can’t even manage something as simple as mussel pasta. In fact, the mussels and clams pasta at PastaMania is way more satisfying at just half the price. And they provide the little bowl for your shells, too!
You may wanna give the pastas a miss, folks!
1 Harbourfront Walk #02-123
Singapore 098585
Tel: +65 6820 1800 | Website

Jan 18, 2007
I am not really into seafood, so you won’t find me lurking around there, unless I get pulled in there by my shirt by my seafood crazy friends. They REALLY can gorge!
Jan 19, 2007
the picture certainly looks delicious but wow, such a disappointment. As the saying goes, never judge a book by its cover ! Ya man, I love seafood pasta esp with tomato sauce. I normally request the chef to make it very spicy for me, by putting in a lot of red cut chillis…., yummy !
Jan 19, 2007
Hey pkchukiss,
I’m not that into seafood too, although I do love the occasional crayfish, mussels and peeled prawns. I like the taste of crab meat too, but I still don’t know how to eat it from the shell!
Jan 19, 2007
I guess.. Looks are deceiving.. But you can tell that the sauce is watery from the picture. What a waste of your money…
Jan 19, 2007
Hey Edna,
Looks like we both love our pasta spicy. I usually just dump a whole lot of red pepper (the kind that comes with pizza) into my pasta. Will ask the chef to do it your way next time!
Jan 19, 2007
Hey piccola,
It was a HUGE waste of money. Damn!
Jan 19, 2007
I work so close to Vivocity and I haven’t gone there to eat yet hahaha. Man, the tomato sauce fails big time. I scream blasphemy at the sight of that
Jan 19, 2007
*lol* Hey I work rather close to VivoCity too!
Jan 19, 2007
Look at my cooking. I was too hungry to wait for the sauce to reduce.
I guess the mussel guys are in a hurry to serve the pasta to you…
Jan 20, 2007
Thanks for sharing! The thing is, the sauce in my pasta was not only soupy, it was of very minute amount as well! If it had been left there for longer, it would have been reduced to nothing! lol
Jan 20, 2007
hey..if mussels are your kinda stuff, would recommend Oosters over at Far East Square, just a hop from my office. Belgian Mussels! SOLID! makan there somtime? not so many muscles tho..:P
Jan 20, 2007
Sounds sweet! A pity about the muscles though…
Jan 20, 2007
try me .. i got muscles
Jan 21, 2007
hey i totally agree abt yr review of mussel guys. the mussels may look big & beautiful but unfortunately it tasted bland. its really a disappointment to come from a restaurant that specialises but couldnt make the best of it. the staff was also proud to accept feedback. recommendations: Ooyster bar @ central sq & crepe place in duxton. generous serving & flavourful that comes with a loadful of hot crispy fries!
Jan 22, 2007
Cool! Where at? I’m down the road towards Pasir Panjang. There is like no good food around my office *gah!* (walking distance of course)
Jan 22, 2007
Hey daryl,
Seems like you’ve tried telling The Muscle Guys that their mussels suck? Hey thanks for the recommendations! That’s two votes for Ooster already. Now I MUST check out that place!
Jan 22, 2007
Hey mervkwok, I think we work very near to each other! Talk to you over email!
Jan 24, 2007
Do they serve mussels in a pot, cooked in white wine, garlic ? I love those! Think belgian mussels are usually served this way. I’ve had this dish in NZ before and guess what, the name of the restaurant is Mussel Boys…ooh…no muscles for you!
Jan 24, 2007
I think they do! But my bad experience is deterring me from checking it out again, ever. Haha these seafood restaurants just love punning on the word “Mussel” don’t they? I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a Mussel Dudes somewhere.
Jan 25, 2007
I think I can cook better mussels pasta than them…..