For more than a week, I have been eating my own home-cooked pasta everyday! And I’m still totally loving it! I never knew I would enjoy cooking so much. Besides, pasta seems to be a pretty healthy food.
Of course, I’m not the greatest cook in the world and I certainly do not know how to make my own pasta sauce from scratch. But who needs that when we’ve got instant delicious pasta sauces from prego?
Photo by paulocesar
My favourite choice of sauce is their chunky garden series, or more specifically, the tomato, onion and garlic sauce!
Photo by Prego

Servings: 4-6
One serving of the chunky garden sauce is equivalent to one and a half cups of vegetables, consisting of vine-ripened tomatoes, sweet onion and garlic. In addition, I would put in my own herbs and ingredients to make it a delicious plate of yumminess!
The only thing I dislike about pasta is the part where I have to cook the spaghetti. In fact, as I am blogging now I am also waiting for the spaghetti to cook at the same time!
On the package it says it would take just 8 to 10 minutes. But my friend chup and I both agree that it takes at least double that time for the spaghetti to be al dente. Last I heard, he has given up on cooking spaghetti altogether!
But that’s besides the point. Next time you’re hungering for some good pasta without having to visit a fancy Italian restaurant, stock up on prego instead!
Jun 12, 2005
Hi there!
I was googling for "Just Noodles Suntec" to verify the name of this restaurant, and I stumbled upon your blog (you recommended Just Noodles in one of your archived entries). I must say your blog is a pleasure to read, and the photos you have sprinkled all over really adds life to the blog. Do keep it up! :)
Saw in your brief profile that you love the stars. I happen to be an avid backyard observer as well (yet to get my first telescope though). I’ve always thought the stars, constellations and other deep space objects are a marvellous display of God’s wonderful creation. :) If you’d like to share thoughts on astronomy, I would love to do so.
Ok, I’ll end here. Take care and happy blogging!
Jun 12, 2005
hey care to share your pasta recipe? :)
Jun 17, 2005
thanks for the nice words! i love just noodles by the way (although i think they are in danger of shutting down; everytime i’m there i seem to be their only customer). my favourite dish has got to be their seafood noodles. they used to have this crayfish noodle cooked in the same sauce and tasted even better, but they took it off the menu.
yup i do love stars, even since i was a kid. but recently i haven’t been admiring them as much. kinda hard to do it without a telescope anyway, it being singapore with the bright city lights and all.
i took up a university module on astronomy a couple years back. it was pretty interesting. would love to share on the subject with another astronomy fan.
Jun 17, 2005
for pasta recipes, i recommend they have a huge database of recipes for all kinds of foods and diets. best of all they have a ratings and reviews system where users input their comments and suggestions. i check out the website everyday, and it’s also where i find tips on cooking pasta.
i’m very much a beginner cook (if i could call myself one) who hasn’t really cooked much before. i love tomato-based pastas. so for the sauce, i use prego’s chunky garden sauce. now, lotsa people think just the bottled sauce alone would suffice. but if you add a dash of black pepper, parsley, basil and oregano, i guarantee it tastes even better. i myself am a meat lover so i add chicken breast fillet and ham to my pasta. sprinkle with red pepper if you want some spice, and serve!