I know I’m going to get much flak just for saying this, but I’ll say it anyway. I’m a die-hard Manchester United supporter. Being surrounded by not-so-manchester-united-fans at work, on some mornings when I come in, I would find that the #7 ronaldo jersey and the club crest I display at my workstation have been playfully tampered with.
So what does that have to do with this blog post, you ask? Well each weekend, there’s nothing I love more than watching a game with friends who are fellow supporters. One challenge is to find a place that offers nice food, coupled with great plasma TV screening of the live telecast.
Of late, our favourite watering hole for catching live telecasts is harry’s bar. what’s yours?

We love Harry’s Bar for the friendly service, and the fact that it’s not perpetually crowded like most bars, so it’s pretty easy to find seats with a good view of the television. That’s the whole point right? As a bonus point, we also love the great bar food, most specifically the special jumbo platter filled with all the calorific deep-fried goodness that adds to the overall enjoyment of watching a game.
Finger food platters are typically not what you would consider “good food”. Whether we’d admit it or not, we would all love to indulge in deep-fried food once in a while. Even in the arena of junk food, there is still the “good” and the “bad”. And in this case, this is definitely 5-star (or on Sparklette’s meter, 5-drumstick) junk food. Haha am I making sense so far?

Breaded calamari rings are my favourite appetiser. Having had my fair share of tiny rings in other places, I find the ones here gigantic! Each one is a 3-inch diametre easy! (although it certainly isn’t easy fitting each one into my mouth.) the texture isn’t chewy like rubber. It also helps that the mayonnaise sauce tastes good.

A surprise find on the platter is the samosa. As a fan of Indian food, I certainly have no complaints! It is crispy and not too oily. Just don’t expect to have it with chutney over here though!

Oh I love the fish fingers! You get nice smooth fish flesh underneath the light, crispy breading, and – best of all – none of the stale fishy stench! Enjoy it with the delicious dip of Thai sweet chilli sauce and you’re all set :)

Another surprise find is the prawn wantons. Biting into a wanton (each one encased in a thin translucent skin) reveals a plump and juicy prawn. Wow! Like I mentioned above, this is good-quality stuff.

The chicken wings are average, but no decent bar food platter would be complete without it. Something else you would find on the platter are the fluffy potato wedges. None of the cheap French fries, mind you.
Now imagine having all this with a nice cold beer while catching a live telecast of a soccer game. Ain’t that a perfect way to chill out on a weekend evening?
Update: for more value, get the harry’s card.
Sep 23, 2008
Ah, I seldom visit a bar, and it is interesting to realise that there are nice food there. OK, admittedly, I may have missed out on some things in life simply because I don’t drink.
Sep 24, 2008
Actually watching sports games go hand in hand with a nice cold beer. Lately I’ve given up beer, so I go for white wine instead.
Perhaps wine is something you can consider?
Sep 27, 2008
looks tasty!
Sep 28, 2008
Certainly is!
Sep 29, 2008
oh my god!!! it’s a fantastic food and beauty indeed, surely the author had a good taste.
i’m really starving even just watch that pic (lol)
i’ve got to have similar food like this :)
great..loves being here, like in the castle ;)
Sep 30, 2008
OMG that stuff looks so good. Oh I’m starving…
Sep 30, 2008
Looks really delicious but also highly oily and fattening! Hmmm….. may I ask why you are giving up beer for white wine? ;) For me, my liquid poison of choice is always Australian reds.
Sep 30, 2008
next time if u want to share the man u joy or sadness, u can buzz me …..u die hard? i’m a hard core fan here
Oct 1, 2008
Walter: For someone that was accustomed to drinking light beer, I find red wine to be a little strong. Prefer white wine, though I’m certainly no wine connoisseur! As to why I’m switching from beer to wine… beer is very fattening la. Haha!
johnny ong: Red Devils’ fans unite!
Oct 2, 2008
The calamari rings look amazing!! Though, the oil factor is going to be a big deterrent for me. Nevertheless, this looks like something to party to after a long week at work. :)
Oct 2, 2008
I have a weakness for deep-fried calamari rings, especially if they come with a robust dip. My favourites are the ones at Tony Roma’s. I can’t say no to those even though they are so calorific!
Oct 2, 2008
Hi Veron, I came by to share good luck with you. I have had some good luck today, and thought the best way to share the joy is to spread the good luck around.
Hey, I tried deep-fried calamari rings when I was in Sydney about a fornight ago, and it was simply delicious. The right texture, and fresh bite! Maybe I was in good mood that day so much so that I had actually broke my usual restriction of not drinking alcoholic wine, and had sangria!
Oct 2, 2008
py, you are too kind! I can certainly use the good luck and pay it forward :)
Your meal sounds fab, with the calamari rings and the wine! I’ll bet those rings taste better in a Western country. By the way, having some wine to go along with nice food is just elegant and a great way to enjoy a meal! It’s nice to wind down once in a while :)
Oct 19, 2008
I am a regular @ Harry’s. The fries are good! You should give a try. I had it on Monday and still have the cravings for it NOW! -_-“
Oct 20, 2008
Wow! And I thought fries are just fries. Never knew they can be so good! Thanks. I would order it the next time I’m at Harry’s :)