After closing its two franchise outlets here and being briefly absent from the Singapore restaurant scene, the Swiss chain of Marché restaurants is back! It has returned with a spanking new restaurant at VivoCity and a second outlet at 313@Somerset. Unlike before when it was run by a local franchisee, the new restaurants directly fall under the Swiss management, ensuring that quality would be kept in check.
Marché has often been compared to The Vila’ge, a local restaurant that pretty much rips off the entire Marché concept. The two share astounding similarities. Although both managements have denied any links, we don’t really know for sure.
But for now, this post would simply be about Marché. Just for the record, I love the new place! The overall feel is refreshingly different from before. I’m very happy to say that it trumps the Vila’ge in all aspects.
First of all, the restaurant has scored an awesome spot on the rooftop of VivoCity. One side of the restaurant is made almost entirely of glass windows, allowing ample skylight to pour in. It gives the feel of alfresco dining even though you’re really dining indoor. Best of both worlds!
Of course, its signature bull (or cow) mascot is back!
Like its previous flagship restaurant at the Heeren, this one also has segregated eating areas with each area sporting a different look. One area has double-seaters with red and white checkered tablecloth. Another has chairs with fur-printed seats. Then, there’s also a room that resembles a cottage.
The lines drawn between these separate themed areas are pretty blurry. To the people that don’t pay much attention, the place would simply appear as one large eating area. For one, large amounts of 500 year old wood taken from an actual Swiss log cabin is used throughout the entire restaurant. How’s that for authenticity?
The “cashless” system has also been retained, where every diner is given a card that records the purchase for each item ordered. In the past (as well as at the Vila’ge), a large flimsy card made from paper was used for this purpose. People who lost the card would incur a $100 fine. If I lost this card now, at least I would be paying $100 for a proper card made from plastic rather than a piece of paper.
Okay, let’s get on with what really matters – the food! What you will find here is predominantly European. Besides miso soup, I didn’t spot anything particularly Asian.
S$4.80+ and 1% CESS

At the salad station, you can select your salad size and choose from various ingredients. We had a small salad with lettuce, baby potato and cheese. Yum!
Marché’s signature dish is rösti, a food made from potatoes. Don’t the potato shreds resemble pasta?
S$11.80+ and 1% CESS

I have the rösti with smoked salmon. Cooked al dente, it is light and sort of fluffy on the inside. I like it!
But most of all I love the two large slices of nicely flavoured salmon. Very delicious! This is one dish I would recommend to all Marché visitors.
For the meat lovers, you can get your fix at the grill station. The food is barbecued only after an order has been placed.
S$6.80+ and 1% CESS

I have – what else – grilled chicken breast. It is, rather disappointingly, a tad on the dull side. The sauce has such little flavour, I have to dump a lot of chilli sauce onto the chicken! For a relatively simple dish, they really should have gotten it right.
However, there is an unexpected find at the grill station – the yellow cream sauce. It has the distinct taste of wasabi and adds an interesting dimension to what is otherwise a boring dish.
An assorted range of buns and breads is available. These catch my interest…
Swiss cross buns! Each one is marked with a cross like the Swiss flag! Cute!
S$1+ and 1% CESS

Of course I must have one! I am already stuffed, but that cute little bun is irresistible! I love the way the butter glistens under the light! It tastes a little sweet, and goes pretty well with this…
S$4.50+ and 1% CESS

Chocolate mousse! I know it doesn’t look great here, but chocolate mousse is one of my favourite desserts! We don’t really get it much around here, do we? At Marché, we can simply grab a bowl and scoop as much of it as we want! Smooth, creamy, and sinful. Ooh la la, what a sexy little dessert. It needs not necessarily be eaten from a bowl, if you know what I mean.
Lastly, the drinks section. There are the usual tea, alcoholic beverages, and soft drinks such as snapple. I neglect to check out the beer. Would someone please let me know what’s the main brand of beer sold in Marché? At the Vila’ge it’s the German brand, Erdinger.
S$3.80 & $4.80+ and 1% CESS

And since I am currently in a cappuccino craze, that is what I have. In fact, I must have at least one cuppa joe everyday! Over the past few weeks I have had the ones from Coffee Bean, Starbucks, tcc, McDonald’s and now Marché.
While we’re still on the subject, what’s your favourite place to get cappuccino? I need good recommendations! For now it’s tcc. But because there isn’t a tcc outlet at my workplace, I tend to buy it at McDonald’s. Cheap, cheap cappuccino from McDonald’s! Yeah, yeah, shame on me.
So anyway, if you don’t find yourself scampering off to Marché yet, this ought to do it:
Not only does Marché boast delicious European food that is prepared on the spot, they also guarantee their vegetables to be fresh and healthily cooked! They have even come up with a “7 point freshness program” to show for it.
Speaking of Switzerland, its influence does go far doesn’t it? Here there are Swiss army knives, Swiss rolls, Swiss chocolate, and now Marché! What other Swiss products can you think of?
I wasn’t actually a fan of Marché before when it had two franchisee outlets in Singapore for years. But after its reentry with this refreshing new restaurant falling directly under its Swiss management, I find it highly promising and definitely much trendier than before.
Yes, I’m a fan now!
VivoCity outlet
1 Harbourfront Walk
#03-14 Singapore 098585
Tel: +65 6376 8226
313@Somerset outlet
313 Orchard Road #01-39/46
Singapore 238895
Tel: +65 6834 4041
May 2, 2007
veron. its really depressing not to know if we (the muslims) can eat at marche! the foods are really delectable-looking. maybe i should go down there myself and find out. (=
May 25, 2010
What is really “depressing” is that people though well educated and informed still look for “halal” or “kosher” products. It is quite obvious that the halal way of killing is the most pathetic,painful and gruesome way of killing innocent animals. Why cant we all evolve into a vegan society? Is it asking too much or is it about making a simple choice? There are numerous videos on the net that show how animals are slaughtered for food and how unaesthetic the concept of eating meat is. A lot of restaurants dont even have vegetarian items on the menu these days! The greatest sin in this world to me is killing. Killing innocent animals for food is despicable
Dec 27, 2010
well, ALL method of killing (not just killing animals) is gruesome. well, just so you know, if by ‘the most gruesome’ you meant that the animal is suffering great pain during the killing because of, say, using a blunt knife, well then the animal killed is NOT halal. so don’t say it’s the most gruesome method. actually the method is to ensure that the animal will only feel the slightest pain possible. it can be said as the most humane. such as using a sharp knife and not letting the animal see the knife (some people even tie a cloth to close its eyes before killing). get your facts right before bashing anything, okay. but really, since you’re a vegan (not a vegetarian) you might not understand this.
May 2, 2007
Sorry honey, but I don’t think the food here is halal.
May 2, 2007
compared to the village, which one kicks ass? hehe
May 3, 2007
Definitely Marché! No competition man.
May 3, 2007
swiss cheese? swatch watches? highly discrete banks? :P
May 3, 2007
Good ones!
May 3, 2007
this is new!! i have to try!!!
anyway, never been to vilage.. but i dunno if it’s me or what, but i think suntec’s branch is not as nice as heeren’s? anyway, time to head for marche again.. have to try the rosti with smoked salmon!!
May 3, 2007
You should! This new branch is great, and distinctly different from before.
May 3, 2007
Hi, was just wondering, what kind of camera do you use? I have an old ass canon ixus camera but my pictures look kinda grainy when i blog.
May 4, 2007
Many people have asked this before. I’m using the Minolta DiMAGE X50. It’s a small 5-megapixel digital camera that I bought two years ago.
Pictures that are taken in the day look great, but the ones that are taken at night or when there’s insufficient lighting turn out horrid!
May 6, 2007
Dear Veron,
thanks for the nice review, we always try to improve on our Food and Service quality and are happy over any Feedback we can get.
For the chocolate mousse we already improved the recipe and looks,as for the brown sauce (we know there is , was a problem ) so we expanded our backarea in order to make 2-3 times a day fresh brown sauce from scratch.
I think this will improve the Taste a lot.We serve Koenig Ludwig Weissbier (Draught) also Dark (Bottle)and Warsteiner Pils (also Draught) Mexican-Corona,Phllipines San Miguel (Bottle) merci vielmals and uf weder luege @marche’VivoCity Thomas Sjamsul GM
May 7, 2007
Hello Thomas,
Thanks for dropping by to leave a comment! Obviously I enjoyed my visit to Marché very much. I am glad that you and your team are working continuously to improve the quality of the food!
The chocolate mousse was great, and I am glad I can look forward to enjoying an even better version of this wonderful dessert next time!
I am already planning my next visit to Marché. I would be sure to say hello to you. Hope you would remember me!
Jan 5, 2008
I like the photo you took, looks great and tempting. I dare not walk around to take photo when I dine there, worried someone staring at me. Great review, keep it up.
Feb 23, 2008
Hey can any1 tell me how is the decor there??
i’ll need it to make a better choice..
marche?? or vila’ge
Apr 4, 2008
Apr 21, 2008
April 19, 2008 at about 1941 hrs I ordered 1 pork knuckle and 1 half chicken (at the same time) + other items. The person who attended to me suggest that I take half pork knuckle which I agreed. I was billed 1 pork knuckle at $18.90
The details on bill are
117 Cashier
CHK 9688 103765
APR19″08 11:49
Jun 16, 2008
I came to Singapore for a holiday from Australia and just happened to stumble across Marche- let me tell you it was an experience myself and my partner couldn’t get enough of! The concept is so different from anything we have ever seen in Australia, we had such an amazing time we had to go back the very next day for more! Loved it!
Aussies love this sort of dining experience =)
Jun 16, 2008
Marché does offers a one-of-a-kind dining experience, so much so that it has spawned a couple of copycats!
If you’re ever in Singapore again, you may wanna check out the two other restaurants with a similar dining concept. My reviews are linked above :)
Aug 2, 2008
Can i know how much you spend on this meal?
Apr 15, 2009
Veron, you are an absolutely fabulous writer!! I have already read your reviews before heading off to any new restaurant I want to try out …. and sure as anything, I’m thinking of exactly the same things you observed during your visit there!!
Its kinda become a bit of a habit now, coz now I need to see pictures and description and reviews of every new place I visit ………..
……… lol …… Seriously!!!!
Anyway – love your pictures, detailed reviews and most of all the attitude of this website! You should really start a daily column in the newspapers … Seriously!
Apr 15, 2009
Thank you for such wonderful and appreciative comments! You have no idea how happy that makes me feel :)
I meant to write a lengthier reply, but it’s turning out to be rather sappy. So just a big thank you from the bottom of my heart for appreciating :)