Do you live to eat or eat to live? For me, any food that doesn’t taste good just isn’t worth having. satay, grilled stingray, or a good curry. These are the kind of food that would keep me happy for a long time, but they are also undeniably sinful. Are...
Two weeks ago I ran a “Spot the Hidden LG Crystal” game here. One lucky Sparklette winner gets to win the gorgeous 3G mobile phone. The response was overwhelming! A whopping 1013 submissions came in! Many thanks to each and everyone of you for your interest in the game. However...
For a long while we have noticed an annoying trend in many restaurants. An increasing number have a no-water policy: They do not serve free water to diners even when requested. Instead, we have to buy their bottled water. Not only is the bottled water overpriced, the bottles are eco-unfriendly...
It all began like this… “Wanna drink sh*t?” my friend D asked excitedly. “What??” I demanded, unsure whether it’s a genuine question or insult. “You wanna drink sh*t or not?” he persisted, like that’s the most natural thing in the world. “Come, come, I show you.” Intrigued, and a little...
Over the past weekend we had a little picnic (with wine!) at East Coast Park. Following a hectic week, an idyllic day at the beach really helps one relax. Maybe you can try it this weekend! Anyway since we were too lazy to bring any food, dinner was at one...
The day had finally come for us to bid farewell to Siem Reap. It had been the most amazing journey through the ruins of Angkor. But ultimately, I find that what made our stay particularly memorable were the wonderful Khmer people. Everywhere we went, people were polite and hospitable. While...