I really enjoy eating, as I’m sure most people do. Thanks to increased awareness and better education on the importance of nutrition, we are becoming more sophisticated consumers. During chow hours, you would probably go for the heart-healthy and waist-friendly kind of food. At The Sentosa Resort & Spa (not...
Remember Wangz Hotel? We checked out this boutique hotel located in the charming neighbourhood of Tiong Bahru. At the lobby of this barrel-shaped building lies Nectar, the flagship restaurant, which offers all-day dining to both hotel guests and the public. Passers-by may miss this restaurant as the building is rather...
Tampopo. That’s the name of a Japanese restaurant we checked out recently. Truth be told, it is the unforgettable name that enticed us to pay it a visit in the first place. There’s a Japanese movie that goes by the exact same name, and cheekily calls itself a “Noodle Western”...