In Bangkok, I find myself constantly heading to the 7-Eleven stores to stock up on these collagen drinks. Apparently, these “Beauti” drinks are made with some form of collagen formula and promise to be chock-full of the beauty-enhancing collagen protein! The first thing that catches my eye is not the...
Can your camera take beautifully saturated photographs like these? Try a lomo camera. All the photographs you see above are taken using the Holga 135BC camera, and I have one purple unit to give away! Here’s what the purple camera looks like: For a chance to win this camera, simply...
Sapore Italiano has opened on our island with style. Whether it’s espresso coffee in the morning, a pizza for lunch, or a nice after-work aperitivo (with a free buffet spread!), you can enjoy gourmet food all day long at the Raffles City Shopping Centre caffé-bar. Welcome to gourmet paradise! Update...
Last month, I ran a contest to seek your opinion on what makes the INQ social networking phones so cool. In true social networking fashion, many of you left comments here, tweeted, Plurked and Facebook updated! Well, we have a winner! Actually, 2 in fact. – Wei Wen wins S$100...
I’m going to try not to use words like “whoopee!” and “yowza!” to describe how I feel after a sumptuous meal of gourmet food at Pasta Inc. Let’s just say that if you’re ever having a craving for gourmet pasta, this is one Italian restaurant that is definitely worth checking...
Not many home-grown companies in Singapore can boast a history like that of The Cathay Restaurant. They had their roots planted in 1940, going back to even before the World War 2! In their heyday, they were considered one of the finest Chinese restaurants in Singapore. As you enter the...
When it comes to Japanese casual dining, my restaurant of choice is Ichiban Boshi or Ichiban Sushi. Both fall under the same parent company and the menu is largely similar. Aside from their innovative sushi that have won me over from rival conveyor belt sushi chains, the main courses also...