One of my favourite Pixar movies is Up, a beautiful animated film with heart and comedy. The story is centred around a 78-year-old widower, who along with an unlikely child companion, sets out to fulfill his lifelong dream of visiting the mystical Paradise Falls. Their choice of transportation? A colourful...
Longing for a sophisticated dining experience away from the hustle and bustle of the city? Arbite would make a nice retreat. Ensconced in Serangoon Garden Way in close proximity to the ever-popular food haunt, Chomp Chomp, Arbite occupies the unit formerly inhabited by Country Manna. Despite its relatively obscure location,...
Love dim sum? You need not be restricted to having dim sum only in the day. At Stacked, you can have dim sum all day till 1am! Located along The Quayside at Robertson Quay, Stacked is a dim sum bar that offers a good variety ranging from the traditional classics...
Now “eggless” is usually synonymous with less-than-delicious cakes, but this time, Emicakes‘ range of eggless cakes blew us all away. The eggless cakes are made from the egg substitute whey protein, said to be suitable for certain vegetarians. Even for a non-vegetarian like myself, I really enjoy these conveniently packed...